De-Stressing Yourself

De-stressing yourself is a daily practice.

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De-stressing yourself is easy with the right habits, techniques and strategies.

Your body always gives you early warning signs. Listen to these! Then immediately take action. This way you keep yourself in a manageable zone. It is easy to slide into overload and overwhelm. Particularly if your daily life features lots of stressors. Coping becomes harder as stress builds.

Have you noticed what happens when you start the day super stressed? It seems to be loaded with mistakes, frustrations and small accidents. Probably you don’t handle things as well as usual. Small incidents can blow up into conflicts.

Chronic stress sets the scene for health problems. Both mental health and physical health are at risk. Also, relationships often suffer. These are all compelling reasons to practice de-stressing yourself each day.

Know your warning signs.

Amongst the most common warning signs are:

  • agitation, feeling edgy or impatient
  • frustration and lower tolerance
  • anger or being short fused
  • fatigue, low energy
  • poor sleep and insomnia
  • anxiety and worry
  • depressed or flat mood
  • changes in eating habits (over eating or loss of appetite)
  • developing reliance on alcohol or substances to relax or decompress
  • difficulty relaxing or switching off
  • lowered immune function
  • forgetful, ‘foggy head’, lowered efficiency
  • nausea, racing heart, dry mouth

Strategies for de-stressing yourself.

There are plenty of great strategies and techniques. For instance, de-stressing yourself can be as easy as breathing differently. Accordingly you feel a deep calm and ‘reset’ within 2 or 3 minutes. These breathing and focus techniques quickly turn off the cascade of stress hormones.

Likewise, changing your thoughts is very powerful. In particular a key strategy is learning how to process things differently. Either you set yourself up for more stress. Or you set yourself up for calm mastery. For example switching your focus to a problem solving mode.  Similarly, an important focus is changing how you talk to yourself. Accordingly, your self talk aims to support and serve you. In contrast negative self talk adds even more stress and pressure.

Behaviours and Habits

When we let stress build over time, health and well being are put at risk. Accordingly it is wise to develop regular self care habits and behaviours. These help to keep stress levels low.

First, take note of any behaviours and habits that contribute to stress. This can range from being disorganised to constantly rushing. Audit your home and workplace. Change what can be changed. Even small tweaks bring huge pay offs. For instance a clutter free workspace makes a huge difference.

Routines are particularly helpful in the plan for de-stressing yourself. They give a sense of calm, control and order. For example you know exactly where to find your car keys! Similarly routines help you stay on top of deadlines.

Likewise, health and wellness routines help you stay on track. Meditation and mindfulness techniques top the list. However, eating well, exercise and pleasurable activities are golden.

There is so much you can do to prevent stress from building. Read more here about managing stressors and sources of stress.

Please feel welcome to book a super de-stress session. You will experience the difference immediately. Also, these single sessions resource you in practical ways. Noteworthy is how fast and easy it is to start applying the techniques and strategies.

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